
The door on the left is the bathroom, the one on the right is the kitchen.

My vampire curtains! 

What I'm wearing: Top and shorts: Mango, Earrings: ?, Bracelet: Goa, Watch: Swatch.

So, here they are! Photos of my home! It was hard work, but I'm happy with how I decorated it in such a short period of time. Two weeks to be precise. I'm especially proud of the cupboard, because I measured it, chose the patterns, got them made by my graphic designer at work, printed on vinyl stickers, and got printers to stick them on. I love it now. I could just sit on my bed and stare at the pattern all day. (Me, weird?). Plus
I had the loveliest housewarming, with close friends who filled my home with laughter and warmth. What more could I ask for?
Shabana Feroze


  1. i love:

    1. ur tan
    2. ur outfit
    3. ur bedspread
    4. ur awesome awesome cupboard vinyls!
    5. the pink rug
    6. the dressing table
    7. the colorful cushions
    8. the entire house.

  2. Awwww Shereeeeeen.. THANK YOU! Coming from you that's a big compliment!
    I love YOU!

  3. Oh I just love your home, it's so cheerful and cute. Your outfit is too! I absolutely love your cupboard, that is positively cute!!

  4. Your house looks really chic shabana. I'm totally in love with your cupboard.

  5. Hi Terri!
    Thank you! Yes, I guess cheerful would be the perfect word to describe my home...and me! Thanks!

  6. Love your new place!! You've done a great job decorating it..its just so cute!!

  7. Everything looks so warm and fun! The floor cushions are gorgeous and the patterns on your cupboards are lovely. Very cheerful home and I'm sure your guests thought the same. Good work!

  8. Hey Anne
    Thank you so much!v I'm glad you find it cheerful!

  9. love it sooooo girlie. Love the cupboards and the throw pillows at the foot of the bed.


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