Who I Am

Hi! I'm Shabana. I started The Silver Kick Diaries in 2010 to encourage to women discover their personal style and embrace their inner goddess. 

I live in Bahrain, a sunny island nation in the Arabian Gulf. I'm a businesswoman by day and a group fitness instructor by night. 

I run an award-winning boutique marketing agency called The Silver Kick Company where we help compassionate brands make the biggest impact.

 I'm certified in LesMills BODYBALANCE™ and BODYCOMBAT™. Balance is a mix of yoga, tai chi and pilates, while Combat is HIIT mixed martial arts.

I enjoy Combat so much that a friend once joked I should be a superhero. So we made up my fictional alter ego, and we called her Silver Kick. {Emphasis on the "fictional". I don't go out at night wearing a catsuit and a cape, fighting crime. No matter how much I want to.}

I believe that dressing up is one of the easiest ways of loving yourself. When you look good on the outside, you feel incredible on the inside. I show you what I'm wearing in the hopes of inspiring you to look your best, every single damn day. 

In my blogs, I write about everything I'm passionate about: self-love, self-improvement, health & fitness, and travel. 

I've also written a book about my journey, how I came to love myself and how you can, too. My book, Loving Yourself In Style is available on all online platforms.

This blog is my {and Silver Kick's!} journal on living life to the fullest, looking great, and kicking ass. And if that's what you love doing too, this blog is for you!

Shabana Feroze


  1. Good luck in your superheroe crusade against the villains...¿or viceversa?
    Greetings from Spain, Silver Kick.:)

  2. Haha! Could be both! :) Thank you!

  3. Your welcome....I have to visit you often and without any advise, so...be prepared my friend...:)


  4. By the way, you look fantastic with that dress..I love this pic...:)


  5. Please visit as often as you like!! I'm fully prepared..I'm not a superhero for nothing! ;)

    Thank you for the compliment!

  6. I like a lot your draw titled "Dark side of me".J´aime le noir et blanc...:)


  7. Thank you! It sounds amazing in French!

  8. " Silver Kick " just the name scaring enough to make the bad guys run away from the spot

    i Love it its Kick ass Name as you Mean it :)

  9. Hi Shabana, I read about you in Gulf weekly..
    Great Blog...Well presented.
    Salute your talent and drive..Keep it up. Good luck

  10. S. Pleemiller from twitter and Hugs follower---I just want you to know that you are not the only one who has achy muscles from the gym. My trainer pulled out a new type of sit-ups that worked the upper abs---OMG--I can barely sit. Nice to be in contact----Hugs across the world.

  11. Hi Pam! Hurts doesn't it? But at least you're closer to a 6 pack! Haha! {hugs}

  12. The ring is gorgeous Shabana. I love the look and fell of your blog. I think in RL, you are a cat lover. Please do not tell me if you don't like cat's Cos cat lovin folk are my favorite people (except for cat ladies cos they smell funny)Your love for fashion and looking stylish, really comes accross. I think you always look fabulous.

  13. Yes, I'm a cat lover! Thank you, MUAH!

  14. Good luck in your superheroe crusade against the villains'

  15. yes i like your bolg

  16. greetings from Sydney Australia.i just love your amazing eyes

  17. Shabana Feroze u r really awesome!! loved everythin abt u n specially ur smile!! keep rocking always!! good luck to u!!


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[name=About Me] [img=https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP6wdDIrRF_dx-pVv8PqBiSrQRKrEMzJ7vf1N7r/photo/AF1QipNnYi7lR3UkPF0ptL0QV_mqWadL-JCe7F7afRiS] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/TheSilverKickDiaries/?fref=ts) (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/thesilverkickdiaries/) (twitter=https://twitter.com/SilverKick) (bloglovin=https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/silver-kick-diaries-3736366) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/silverkick/)