I'd rather be...

The Princess and the Lotus. Glass painting, 2001.
I'd rather be.. bad than boring.
I'd rather be... brutally honest than tell white lies.
I'd rather be... classy than trendy.
I'd rather be... real and lonely than fake and popular.
I'd rather be... flawed than perfect.
I'd rather be... healthy than thin.
I'd rather be... a listener than a talker.
I'd rather... love than judge.
I'd rather be... a Narcissist than pitied.
I'd rather be... hated for what I am than loved for what I'm not.
I'd rather... have genuine enemies than fake friends.
I'd rather be... myself than someone's clone.

Shabana Feroze


  1. well said shabana!

  2. Thank you! Let me know who you are?

  3. I absolutely love this list. I especially love the narcissist one. That got me thinking. Merry Christmas to you! xo

  4. Hi Melinda!
    I'm so happy you liked it! A lot of thought went into it.. Merry Christmas! xoxox

  5. Id rather have people read this, than boring people with an explanation :)

  6. Why thank you Sid. :) Feel free to share it!

  7. Nice! I'd rather be me too :-)

  8. Hey Anne! I'd rather you be you too. ;)

  9. very interesting I gotta Change myself as I see ur list , btw I love your piece of work , Keep it Coming

    yours honest Stalker
    come on u know me :) Duh !!!


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