5 Reasons why life is like a painting...

"Behind the Shine"

5. There's no perspective without darkness.
Dark shades in a painting give it depth and perspective. They also make the other colours look brighter. It's the tough times that bring out the steel in us and make us aware of what's good.

4. Everyone's is unique and different.
Like two works of art can't be compared, there's no point in comparing yourself with someone. Their journey and their experiences are different from yours. Focus on yourself.

3. You have to fill in the gaps with colour.
Otherwise the painting looks incomplete and unattractive. When you feel like life is gray, boring and dull, add colour to it by doing what you love and spending time with people you love and who love you.

2. You can use an eraser. Or turn the page.
When you feel cornered, or that you made a mess of things, remember that you can try and amend your mistakes, or you can start afresh. 

1. In the end, you're doing it for you. 
Like paintings, life is all about doing what you love. Forget the critics. You should be able to look back at what you've done years later and be happy.  

Happy Painting!
Shabana Feroze


  1. Totally agree with you..and pride to be your friend....don´t need more words to express that feeling about our friendship.

  2. Very true! :) Beautiful painting!



  3. this is an amazing post =)

    Neat post and love your blog... would you like to follow each other!


    My Lyfe ; My Story

  4. I really love the painting and the incredible insight accompanying it. You inspire me daily Shabana. Hugs!


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