An update...

Top and Shoes: Miss Selfridge, Skirt: Mango, Bracelet: Gifted, Watch: Vintage, Photos: Arif Feroze

I'm in Bahrain, still looking for a job in Dubai. (Yes you read that right.) I'm soooo ready for it but I guess it's not ready for me. Everyone's telling me to relax, enjoy this time that you have, do all the things you couldn't do, yadayadayada, but I'm going crazy waiting! (Patience is sooo not a virtue I have.) It's such an ironic sitch because as soon as I get a job I'll be crazy busy and yearn for these carefree days, and here I am, yearning for being crazy busy! Sigh. Such is life. (Although I will admit I am enjoying catching up on my reading and beauty sleep. Hehe.)

Happy Saturday! xxx

Shabana Feroze


  1. Yaa life is really bitch sumtimes and it gives us wht we dont want, frankly speaking i am great admirer of you and i am also greatly surprised tht u r without a JOB. I dont know which fool on this planet will deny a job to you. Such a perfect combination of mind body and attitude will easily allow you to touch the stars. A delayed victory is always sweeter, so just wait and keep your fingers crossed. God Bless

  2. Thank you so much! Have a great day! :)

  3. love ur pumps and blouse!! :)
    new post on my blog

  4. Woaw! I'd never have thought pink shoes would go with that outfit.. How did you come up with that, I'd like to know.. BTW loving the 'breezy' blouses

  5. Thanks! I picked up on the pink in the blouse!


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[name=About Me] [img=] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook= (instagram= (twitter= (bloglovin= (pinterest=