A letter to my favourite kid

I recently attended a seminar that was all about adapting to change. One of the exercises we were made to do was to pretend that we had a few days to live, and we had to write a letter to a favourite child of ours. We could say anything we wanted to in that letter.
We were made to write this letter so that whatever values and principles we have were brought on paper, and to the forefront of our minds. This way you're always aware of them, so you remember to look to them for guidance when life brings you to crossroads or when you're not sure about taking a major step. I love that.

My favourite kid in the whole world is my niece Emma, so my letter is to her. This is what I wrote:

Dear Emma,

Life is beautiful. It has its ups and downs but if it didn't it wouldn't be fun.
Life is tough. It's how you handle the tough parts that makes you strong. But whatever life puts you through, I want you to remember that you are amazing. I want you to remember that you have everything inside you to take you through whatever you're facing.
So I want you to love yourself. Don't look for love from outside to fill your emptiness. If you're not happy from within, no one and nothing can make you happy.
Stand up for yourself. Don't let people walk all over you. At the most basic level, people are selfish. They look out only for themselves. Be nice, but firm. 
Most of all, be loving. Family is important. Not only those linked to you by blood but also those who aren't yet know you better than you do and want only good things for you. 
Don't put up with negative people. Don't put up with people who don't like themselves, they'll want you to stop loving yourself too.
Don't care what people say about you. No matter what you do, some will always say nasty things about you. Remember, what someones says about you reflects more about them than you.
Be passionate. About everything you do. If you're not passionate about it, don't do it. Find one thing you love doing and focus all your energy on it. Soon this will lead you to discover more things you love doing and before you know it you'll be surrounded by so many things you love doing that even if something goes wrong in one, there are three others to keep you happy and busy.
Give out happiness and love. It's easy to let the world make you a mean, unhappy person but trying to overcome those feelings and striving for happiness is worth all the pain.
And in the end, trust me, it's all in your mind. As simplistic as that sounds, it's true.

The seminar was Adapt & Ignite during Change and the speaker was Dr. Gary Bradt.
Shabana Feroze

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Loved reading this post.. you ar so right about everything here.. Life is no fun with out some ups and downs, with out some challenges, some happy and some sad moments..!!



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