15 Life Lessons Learnt by The End of 2015

2015 is almost at an end. I've had a few brilliant successes, a few dismal failures, traveled to all the usual nearby places, chased the sun across the Atlantic on a trip to Canada, lost a few friends, and made some amazing new ones. As I reflect back on the year that was, these are the life lessons I want to remember. 

1. Stop beating yourself up so much.
2. Learn to slow down and enjoy life at leisure.
3. Some people only invite you into their life to show off.
4. Don't abuse your body. While too little physical activity isn't healthy, overexercising isn't good for you either.
5. If you want to be something, just start doing what it takes to become it. If you want to be an artist, paint. If you want to be a writer, write. Halfway down the road you'll find yourself becoming the person you wanted to be when you reached your destination.

6. Forgive yourself for choosing the wrong friends. They were there to teach you something about yourself.
7. Let it go- small grievances, overthinking, over-analyzing. Just let. it. go.
8. The best memories are made when you make other people happy.
9. A kick in the derriere is sometimes just what you need to get you to break out of a rut and be motivated to do your best.
10. Ignore the people that rile you up. You don't need to know what they're doing. Put mental  blinders on and focus only on your own life and your progress.

Photos: Arif Feroze

11. Let people love you. Don't feel like you don't deserve it. There's a reason they're doing so much for you, and that reason is probably that you're a good person who's worth loving.
12. Travel, not just to appreciate new lands and cultures, but to appreciate your own home.
13. People are not against you, they're for themselves.
14. When you're finding it too hard to keep up with everything in your life, it's okay to let go of some things. Even though they're great for you and/or you're really good at doing them.
15. Don't let desperation trick you into believing you don't have everything you need. You do.

What are some of the things you learned through this year? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,

Stay happy.



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Shabana Feroze


  1. Very well written post.

    Totally connected with 12th point after my trip to Houston.

    1. Thank you! Yes, travelling makes you appreciate your home.


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