What I did in Pune

I'm back in Bahrain after a 9 day trip to Pune. Ok, let me start off by telling you about Pune. Pune is a small city next to Bombay in Western India. I have studied at college there for 3 years, and have friends and family living there. I had to visit for some bank and college work. Apart from the boring stuff, this is what I did while I was there:
Stayed at this cousin's place, and had a lovely time with her and her family. 

Enjoyed sights like these. This is on highway from Pune to Bombay.

Feasted my desert-stricken eyes on lush greenery. This is inside University of Pune. 

Visited my college and one of my professors had gotten her students to paint clay vases as part of a project. I got to pick one for myself!

Caught up with old friends Neha (left) and Priya (right). 

Was the official lap for Oscar, a friend's cat. He jumped right on. If you think I'm lying, check out the paw marks on my leg.

And lastly, a night out with girlfriends.  
On the girls night out I took this lovely printed dress from my 16 year old cousin, belted it and ta-dah! But, I didn't take any high heels as it's raining in Pune. So I was actually (gasp) wearing ballet flats with this gorgeous dress. And hoping very hard no one would look at my feet.

Shabana Feroze


  1. The pictures are so beautiful. I love the scenery. Ha at no high heels, you were gorgeous, I'm sure no one noticed your feet.

  2. Lovely pictures...the dress looks fab...heels or no heels!

  3. Thanks Terri! I hope so too..lol


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