Back in Bahrain and a new artwork

I followed my heart
Nope. No outfit post today. I know it's Day 6 of the Outfit Challenge but I had a flight at 2 pm to Bahrain and no time to take pictures. But rest assured I wore something from the same lot that I brought to Dubai. Even though I bought a tres cute lace cropped top while in Dubai. Can't wait to wear it and show you. But getting back to the subject, I'm in Bahrain just for the weekend, to run a few errands and pack and take back more clothes. And shoes. And if you're wondering, yep, the job hunt is still on in Dubai. At this point my mind is in overdrive trying to think of more people to talk to, email and meet. I don't want a weekend! I wish I could select Friday and Saturday on the calendar and hit delete. But I know that I need to be patient. I hate, hate, hate resting for even two minutes when I'm after a goal but I do need to recharge my batteries and me time is important. I keep reminding myself that even though this journey is frazzling, I need to sit back and enjoy every moment because it won't come again. And even though it makes me worry and overthink and sleep less, at least I'm chasing my dreams.

P.S- I made this pastel artwork a few weeks back. You like?

Hope you had a great week and enjoy the weekend!
Shabana Feroze


  1. You did this art work? Wow!! talented aren't you? I am bad when it comes to being artistic. I am just in awe when I see people that can draw or paint and it looks like what they intended it to look like.

  2. Love your art work ~ Wonderfully creative ~ good luck with the job hunt ~ Wishing for you to find one very soon ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. safe travels! as my dad always says... via con dios!

  4. Thank you MJWC! I try to make it look like the image in my head!

  5. Thank you so much Carol! Namaste and hugs!

  6. Thank you christine! Love that!

  7. Love this pastel and I love that you are chasing your dreams. You are destined for greatness, Shabana. Hugs!

  8. Thank you Melinda! People like you give me strength!


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[name=About Me] [img=] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook= (instagram= (twitter= (bloglovin= (pinterest=