Happy Birthday Mummy!

 You've been there for me when the world turned it's back on me. You've understood me when I didn't understand myself. You gave me your beautiful eyes and your intelligence (and passed on the genes for shopaholism, but I'm not complaining). You've stitched clothes for me since I was a baby and still love dressing me up as your doll. You were open-minded enough for me to do all the things considered taboo by  culture and tradition. We fight, we misunderstand each other, but we have an attachment that can't be broken. 
I love you, you crazy, silly woman, you. 
Shabana Feroze


  1. Shabana, I don't know if you can recognize me. But seeing sughra apa with you on this blog just made my day. My salaam to all of you.
    And dont forget to tell Sughra apa that Moiz has sent birthday greetings for her.

  2. Thank you! I definitely will!! xxx

  3. This is such a beautiful photograph. I just love the intimacy and the warmth of the moment that I see in it. This pic made me pick up the phone and call my mother. Of all your pics Shabana, this is my favorite one.


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