The Ten Commandments For Being Unstylish

Continuing on from this post, here are

  1. Thou shall worship luxury brands.
  2. Thou shall wear sweatpants everywhere.
  3. Thou shall follow every trend whether it suits thou or not.
  4. Thou shall layer on as many clothes and accessories possible to look ‘fashionable’.
  5. Thou shall wear ill-fitting clothes.
  6. Thou shall insist on wearing heels even though thou walks likes a new-born calf in them.
  7. Thou shall neglect body, hair and skin.
  8. Thou shall not care if thou looks supremely stylish one day, and supremely boring the next.
  9. Thou shall never accessorize.
  10. Thou shall constantly change thou's style.

Until next time, stay stylish. xxx

Shabana Feroze

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[name=About Me] [img=] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook= (instagram= (twitter= (bloglovin= (pinterest=