15 Reasons Why I Love Life

1. A huge bed.
I have a king sized bed even though I'm the only one sleeping in it. I derive so much happiness from it. Whether it's sleeping spread-eagled on it at night, or reading a book lying in it, or simply lazing in it on a weekend morning, having a big bed is one of life's delights.

2. Reading.
A good book pulls you in and makes you forget yourself. It takes your imagination to places it has never been but always wanted to go. Whether it's light fluff or heavy and profound, reading is one of life's most pleasurable escapes.

3. Listening to my music.
I consider music to be very personal. A collection of songs that speaks to your heart is invaluable. Whether you listen to them in your room while doing chores, on your headphones in the middle of a chaotic day, or in your car on long drives, music instantly soothes and makes you feel better.

4.  Face to face conversations.
With the right people, conversations are like a drug- they’re addictive. The best conversations are those that stimulate the mind. I love sitting down at leisure with my friends or family and having deep conversations about life and its idiosyncrasies.

5. Gossiping.
Unless used to create rumours and manipulate people, I believe gossiping is healthy. We deal with people and emotions all the time. Obviously, we'll talk about people to other people. I love sitting with my brother to discuss how our parents sometimes drive us mad, and my regular gossip sessions with my best friend. Most times these gossip sessions help me understand people better as the other person gives me their opinion and insights on them.

6. Playing with my cat.
I have a cat named Snarf. He's a typical feline who demands my attention at all times. And I love it. Running around the house playing tag with him, him walking all over my keyboard demanding my attention, stroking his fur until he purrs like a truck engine, waking up to his sullen looks, and finding him sleeping in the most unexpected places {and in the most unexpected positions!} gives me immense joy.

7. Wearing silk.
Whether it's a blouse, pants, or even a small scarf, the feel of soft silk against your skin is wonderful. It makes you feel elegant, charming and very relaxed.

8. Flying.
I've flown to many places, ever since I was a child. Still, the wonder of flying hasn't worn off. There's just something about being thousands of feet in the sky in a huge metal bird, amidst clouds, crossing continents and oceans, which is awe-inspiring and wondrous.

9. Being surrounded by nature.
I'm a nature freak. Maybe it's because I've lived all my life in a sandbox. Forests, hills covered with green, fields as far as the eye can see, I love them all. Mother Nature. Such an admirable woman.

10. Putting nail polish on.
As simple as that sounds, it makes me very happy to put on a different nail colour every 2 weeks. I have a collection of nail colours that are mostly in different shades of reds and pinks. I love spending time choosing what colour I'm going to put on next. I never wear the same colour on my feet and hands as it gives me an opportunity to wear 2 different colours.

11. Making people laugh.
Making someone laugh at what you're saying or doing fills you up with so much happiness, it's unbelievable.

12. Creating something from scratch.
When you create something using your own two hands and see it through until the end, it gives you a great sense of achievement. It could be something as simple as baking a cake or a doing a painting.

13. Shopping for stationery.
I love stationery shops. All the varieties of paper, pencils, paints, colours... It makes me feel like a kid in a candy shop. I want to buy everything. Just being there and looking at all the stuff makes me happy.

14. Laughing
Laughing loud. Laughing hard and long. Laughing at really silly, senseless things. Over and over. Laughing until you cry. Laughing so much you become breathless. Laughing until your stomach hurts. Laughing until you feel like your cheeks will crack. It's what makes life worth living.

15. Dreaming.
I have vivid dreams and I usually remember them when I wake up. Sometimes they're so realistic it takes me a few hours to shake them off. One of my favourite dreams is of flying. Just me, soaring through the air. I look forward to sleeping because I know I'll be taken to my fantastical world of dreams.

These are just 15 reasons I came up with. I could easily stretch this list if I spent more time on it. Your turn- what makes you feel like life is worth living? 

Shabana Feroze


  1. Some great reasons to love life and great shot of your sweet cat ~ xoxox

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I LOVE king size bed, music, books, healthy gossip and would add hiking, swimming and the absolute divinity of that first sip of ginger tea. Oh this list makes me want to go back to a certain time in my life...this is soulful and...would you believe...I LOVE stationery shops too!!! I have ALL my life...the smell, the colors, the crisp paper...the potential...going to dream now...Ciao!

    1. Ooh I love ginger tea too.. any great tea is a joy!


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