Since I got these two items in my wardrobe- these pants and this top, I've been meaning to do an outfit post wearing the two. I love the combination of brights with brights, but I've been a bit wary of doing it in the past because it can be such a tricky thing to pull off.
Combos from opposite ends of the colour wheel like green and purple, orange and blue, are easy. Trickier are colour combos that are not from opposite ends of the colour wheel, but colours that sit next to each other. Like orange and yellow or blue and purple. Because they're from the same colour family. But when done well, they look great!
Pink and orange is a colour combo I've been meaning to try for ayyyyges. I had these fuchsia pants before I had the shirt, and when I got the shirt, it hit me- hey! I can finally do an orange and fuchsia combo!

About the Outfit
Like I said in this post, I'm a bit over plain button-downs. But a button-down with a bit of detailing/ different sleeves/ something of interest added, yes! Works! Which is why I love this shirt. There's just a bit of lace detail in the button panel and shoulder seams, but it makes SO much of a difference. As soon as I put the shirt on in the fitting room, the lace stood out and made it look so pretty and feminine.
Although, I must admit I was attracted to this shirt because of the colour. The punchy, in-your-face hue is such a delicious shade or orange. I've always stayed away from orange because I feel like a very bright one would clash with my skin tone. But this one has a slightly pinkish tone which works great. It's amazing how the right bright colours brighten up your entire look.
Although, I must admit I was attracted to this shirt because of the colour. The punchy, in-your-face hue is such a delicious shade or orange. I've always stayed away from orange because I feel like a very bright one would clash with my skin tone. But this one has a slightly pinkish tone which works great. It's amazing how the right bright colours brighten up your entire look.

The material is a light and silky polyester, so it has a lovely graceful fall to it. The sleeves drape nicely and the soft collar and sleeve cuffs add to its effortless look.
The shirt is from Koton. Most of my tops are, as well as a few pants and dresses. I love their selection of clothes that are just the right mix of workwear and elegance. I'm not being paid to plug them, I swear. I WISH they'd bloody pay me!
The shirt is from Koton. Most of my tops are, as well as a few pants and dresses. I love their selection of clothes that are just the right mix of workwear and elegance. I'm not being paid to plug them, I swear. I WISH they'd bloody pay me!
You've seen these pants before in this post from December. {I didn't know I had them that long! Nothing like an outfit blog with dates to show you how long you've had something.} These pants are an absolute fave. They're super comfy as the material has just the right amount of stretch, they're a perfect fit, and of course, they're PINK. How can I not love them?

The shirt and trousers together make a {very bright} statement, so I paired neutral accessories with it. These shoes are perfect as they're not just beige, they're a very light shade of beige. If that makes any sense. I love the little knot on top! You HAVE to have nude shoes. You can wear them with absolutely anything. I like to keep a few in different styles for a bit of variety. And when I say few, I mean two, because it's so hard to find shoes in my giant feet size.

I wore dangly tiered earrings with shades of red in it to match the outfit's colours and also to add some girliness. On my hands, I wore a few thin rings with little dangly hearts that are part of a midi ring set. The clothes are structured, which is why I wanted to add movement and softness with long earrings and a soft bag.

The black bag tones down the brightness of the clothes, and adds a statement of its own. On the same note, I love love LOVE big bags. They're fantastic for work. I have one bag organizer that holds everything, and I just switch it from bag to bag. Big bags mean that the organizer fits easily. Of course, I usually try to get bags in which I know the organizer will fit. But I do have smaller bags for when I go shopping or for the weekend when I know I'll be walking around and I don't want to lug a big heavy bag around.

On a Personal Note
Workwise, it's a {relatively} slow summer. I'm enjoying it. After the craziness of the last few months, Ramadan, moving into the new office, et al, this is a welcome respite. And that's just the work front. There's been some ups and downs in my personal life as well, which I won't get into now, maybe in the next post, but I feel like things are finally beginning to settle down.
There's always these two phases of life- when everything happens at once, and where nothing happens at all. And both these times can drive you nuts in their own ways.
Whenever I've felt sad or bored or disappointed with the way things are, I've always looked for the smallest next thing that can make me happy, or something new to learn. Learning something new always excites me. Whether it's something as small as reading a book on doing something a different way or doing a certified course.
I've always found that learning new things about the things that I already love makes me super happy. I think it's so, so, SO important to never lose sight of the things that make you happy and to never stop chasing them. I talk more about how I chased my dreams which got me to where I am today, in my book Loving Yourself In Style. It's a simple, straightforward book peppered with watercolour illustrations done by me. Because who doesn't like a book with pictures? ;)

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