Little Delights Tuesday and Guilty Pleasures

It's Hump Day again. I was literally too tired to take photos, so I decided to show you a sketch instead. You like? 

Here are my Little Delights for this week:
  1. A colleague telling me I have stars in my eyes.
  2. Melinda from My Year Of Hugs calling me her little delight of last week. :-)
  3. My 7 year old niece Emma's comments on each post. She lives in Canada, and I have not met her since she was born. (How grateful am I to the internet!) Go read them, they're so cute! 
  4. My friend's 7 year old cousin reading out this post in class for a read-aloud project.
This week has been maddening, so I have only these many delights. But over the weekend, a couple of friends and I were sitting at Caribou Coffee, and the napkins had this question on it- List your Guilty Pleasures. We all dared each other to list them. And that made me think- What are my guilty pleasures? (the emphasis being on guilty.) After much thought, here they are:
  1. The dark chocolate fondant at Maya La Chocolaterie. Mmmmmmm...
  2. Throwing a tantrum in front of my mom. I am an expert in throwing tantrums. Being the middle child, I learnt that my tantrums have to be a cut above the rest to really get my mom's attention. And I very unashamedly still throw them. Recently I was throwing one, and my mom looked at me very seriously and asked, "Shabana, how old are you?" My immediate answer- "6. Plus 20."
  3. Reading a gossip magazine at work.
  4. Buying yet one more 5 inch platform heels.
  5. Shopping when I know I shouldn't.
  6. Spending an entire day doing nothing but lazing on the bed. I'm a Type A hyper, workaholic, rush-around person who never switches her brain off. So this is a very guilty pleasure.
  7. Reading just before bed even though it's late and I'm super tired.
Now put yours in the comments. And add your guilty pleasures too, if you dare!
Shabana Feroze


  1. You can sketch?

  2. Hi Shabana,
    I love the drawing. I think it is wonderful. Is that you? You look nice and I like to draw with a pencil too!

  3. Gorgeous drawing. You're very talented. As for the guilty pleasures - chocolate, sleeping in, day-dreaming...all the time.

    Your comment about your tantrums had me in stitches! Survival skills...gotta use 'em all!

  4. Hi Anon!
    Yes, I'm an artist. Pencil sketches are my forte, though I also do oil and glass paintings. This one is quite old, made it in 2006!

  5. Hi Emma!
    Thank you! It's not me, it's another girl.
    Thank you, I'm sure you draw very well!

  6. Hey Anne!

    Thanks! dreaming, I should've added that to my list. I love being lost in my thoughts!

    Tantrums are good survival skills, yep!

  7. Being true to yourself now, I think ~ Lovely and talented ~ love the sketch ^_^


Leave me a comment! I love reading what you've got to say!

[name=About Me] [img=] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook= (instagram= (twitter= (bloglovin= (pinterest=