Lately I have...

Found my cat pretending he was one of my shoes...
Indulged in guilty pleasures...

Played the staring game with my furball...
Laughed at really silly things with a friend...
Gave myself a French manicure...
Got a really annoyed look when I found his hiding place...
Relaxed at the seaside...
Drank soothing Chamomile tea from my favourite cup...

Smiled... a lot.

 {This post inspired by Ash Louise's blog}
Shabana Feroze


  1. Really nice one, Shabana.

    A picture can say so much.

    I also like the new font in pink.

  2. Dear Aunty Shabana,

    What is your cat's name? She is so adorable.

    I like your striped top. Your nails are so pretty.


  3. Hi Emma! My cat's name is Snarf! Thank you! xoxoxxooxoxoxoo

  4. Hi Shabana. Wow! those are some gorgeous pics right there yes siree.

    I always knew you would have a lovely cat with very neat and short hair.

    I couldn't resist posting that remark the other day, you look so scrummy in those 6" heels.

    May health and wealth walk with you.

    Your friend

  5. ok your kitty is so cute! I love how she popped into your photos :)


  6. Oh shoes shoes SHOES! all of them are mega cute! And the city lights? Awesome!

    Follow me, I'll follow you?

  7. Hey! Love the shoe case and the pretending cat shoe ;) I think I need to take a picture of my shoes shelf too.. I love shoes! :P
    Looks like a relaxing day!! Lovely!


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