How To Dress Up Slowwwwly And Make Yourself Feel Great


Top: Own design
Skirt: Coast
Necklace: Forever21
Bracelets, Watch, Clutch: Gifted
Ring: Damas
Shoes: Steve Madden
Photos: Arif Feroze

You've probably heard about waking up slowly. If you haven't, it's about taking your time to get out of bed in the morning instead of springing up like a slice of bread from a toaster. It's about feeling the sleep leave your eyes, sitting up, letting your heart rate get back to normal, stretching as you get out of bed, adjusting to your surroundings and then going about your morning routine. This allows you start the day at a good pace, instead of rushing around like a mad person.

I have a similar concept for you- dressing up slowly. Dressing up is such a lovely part of the day. You're making yourself look good before you face the day, so why not take your own sweet time and enjoy it? Put your favorite music on. If you like picking out what you're wearing the night before, put it on, if not, take the time to choose what you want to wear, try it on, admire your outfit in the mirror and feel great about it. Take your time on choosing your accessories, trying them on and doing another check in the mirror. Lastly {or maybe some of you do this first. I like doing it last} take the time to put your make up on. Curl your eyelashes, apply mascara and eyeliner with care, smile big as you apply your blush; enjoying how the color goes on your face, how it enhances your best features and makes you even prettier. Lastly, pick out your bag and shoes and check your awesome-ass-kicking-self out in the mirror. Feel confident knowing you look your absolute BEST to face the world and that you're going to have an amazing day because of it. 

Of course, all this can't be done in 5 minutes so make sure you have enough time. Time yourself to find out how long it takes you to get dressed slowly. Then set the alarm to make sure you wake up that much earlier, and enjoy getting dressed.

What do you think? Do you like the idea of taking the time to gussy up? What do you like to do when getting dressed to make it your own little ritual?

Until next time,



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Shabana Feroze

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[name=About Me] [img=] [description=I'm an entrepreneur, published author, fitness instructor and artist. But most of all, I'm me. And I LOVE being me. Through this blog, I want to inspire you to love being you, too. I enjoy dressing up, chasing my passions, travelling the world, staying fit and encouraging others to do the same. If you'd like to know more, click the Who I Am tab on the top of the site! Thank you for reading my blog!] (facebook= (instagram= (twitter= (bloglovin= (pinterest=